IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: this is not an official guide, and is not supposed to be complete or illustrate you all details regarding C:SI. This guide is based on personal experiences and will just introduce you to some of the basics of this fantastic combat system. Many things are not described in this document, is just a start guide. The mechanics of C:SI are much more articulated and there is much more to learn about it, for that you will have to start make experience and maybe join one of the many clans of the C:SI community.
~ Summary ~
Basic settings: before start
Basic commands: MOVE
Basic commands: ATTACK
Basic commands: ATTACKS & MOVEMENTS
Basic knowledge: Monitor Life and Stamina levels
Basic knowledge: Life level
Basic knowledge: Stamina level
Basic fight: rock paper scissors...
Basic fight: the stun condition
Final considerations
What is CSI and what you need to be able to fight using this amazing Combat System in Second Life, has been discussed in the introduction page, so if you're not sure of what CSI is and its characteristics, please consult first the following page: Introduction
Note: play CSI will require some basics knowledge about Second Life and how to manage your inventory, if you're not experienced with that, follow first one of the many tutorials available regarding that. The first time you connect to SL you will be automatically brought in a land appositely created to teach you all basics needed.
get a C:SI (combat samurai island) sword or the free demo wooden sword (bokuto) and a list and links to all the official C:SI Clans:
House of Blade Mall (visit it in Second Life)
official C:SI website:
CSI home page
Once got a sword or the free bokuto from the House of Blade Mall, you will need to wear it in order to be able to fight. With the sword you will receive an accessory HUD, called C.S.I. Circle HUD, that you can wear to watch your Life and Stamina levels, and manage some inventory.
Note: The HUD is not required to play, because all the system is built in in the sword. Anyway when starting I suggest you to wear it in order to learn how Life and Stamina levels works.
Once wearing your sword CSI, you're ready to start.
When fighting is strongly suggested to use the single person view (mouse look). You can still use the sword without it, but will not be able to fight efficiently, move fast enough or direction your attacks.
Press the key M to pass between third person and first person view.
Within your viewer option there is the possibility to activate the viewing of part of your avatar while in mouse look, this setting will allow you to see your own sword during the fight.
Always run: move fast during a fight is very important. Before start fighting press once Ctrl+R, this will make your avatar always run. Press it once again to go back walk.
use A,S,W,D keys to move around
A = move left
D = move right
W = move forward
S = move backward
in addition to them use E, and C keys for additional actions
E = jump
C = block (defense position)
special movements (dash and double jump)
pressing twice any direction key, will allow you make a fast movement in that direction. Do not abuse of these movements because will drain your stamina. The importance of stamina will be discussed in one of the following paragraphs.
Note: it is possible to use also arrow keys in addition to Pg Up and Pg Down, but it is strongly suggested to learn use the commands as explained above because will allow you to have a better responsiveness once learned. The Second Life Viewer gives you also the possibility to remap keys and find the most comfortable control configuration for your needs, anyway the procedure in order to do that will not be discussed in this document. In all the document I will refer to the standard keys, anyway if using different controls, just replace the keys with the ones you have mapped for your convenience (A with the key you use to move forward, D with the key you use to move right, etc...).
If you press and hold the left mouse button you enter "attack mode" and you will be able to attack. While holding the mouse buttons you can attack using the same keys you use to move (A,S,W,D,C,E):
(left mouse button) + W = forward slash
(left mouse button) + A = left slash (*)
(left mouse button) + D = right slash (*)
(left mouse button) + S = kick (*)
C for block (defense position)
E for jump
Special attack (*)
holding the left mouse button and pressing twice the jump key E, will allow you perform a special attack. This attack will do a lot of damages to your opponent but it will drain more than half of your stamina and hit the opponent with this kind of attack, especially if experienced, is not easy. The importance of stamina will be discussed in one of the following paragraphs. As suggestion, do not use spacial as long as you are a student, first of all you have to learn how to fight without using it, count to much on an attack so easy to avoid will bring you to a defeat.
(*) actions not enabled when using the DEMO sword
To stop attacking and move again release the left mouse button. In CSI while you attack you cannot move, press and release the left mouse button to pass from attack to move, do this efficiently will allow you to fight in a very fluid way and adopt different fight styles.
In order to be able to monitor your life and stamina levels, you will have to wear the C.S.I. Circle HUD which comes with your sword. Search your inventory and wear it.
The HUD will appear on the Left top corner of your screen. Click on the big yellow button on the center to show the two level bars: the red bar indicates your life, the blue bar indicates your stamina.
As told the red bar in your HUD indicates your life level. When that level goes to 0 you will lose the fight, die, and will not be able to move for 10 seconds, after that period your life will be fully restored again. Only people using a CSI sword will interact with that level, so you will not get damaged or do damages to people who do not wear a sword, or wear a sword of another combat system different from CSI. In any case, you cannot see your opponent life and stamina levels, just yours.
Life level decreases every time you get hit, and restores little by little with time. Life will be fully restored after 10 second that you died, or if you detach your sword.
Stamina level is very important. Without enough stamina you will not be able to perform special movements (dash and double jump) or special attack, and your life level will restore slowly. When your stamina will finish you will not be able to block your opponents attacks!
So take care of your stamina level is very important during a fight.
You will consume stamina every time you do a special movement, every time you perform a special attack, and you will consume stamina also every time that you block your opponent attack.
As for life level stamina will restore little by little with time. Actions like special moves and special attacks, requires and consumes a lot of your stamina, so must be very careful using them, or it will end up that in a very few time you will not be able to defend anymore, which will bring you to a very fast defeat.
In CSI for each attack there is a counter. React fast and the correct way to your opponents moves will make the difference between a good fight and a fast defeat.
Basically there are three attack situations, slash the kick and the block.
KICK (S) overcome the BLOCK (C)
Kick cannot be blocked, does less damages than a slash but always hits.
BLOCK (C) overcome the SLASHES (A,W,D)
Block will protect you from SLASHES, and also block your opponent slash will stun him for 2 seconds. Take advantage of this situation is very important, in those 2 seconds your opponent will not be able to attack. The same will happen when will be you to hit with the sword your opponent defense, you will be stun for 2 seconds.
Remember also that as said, every time that you block an hit, your stamina decreases.
SLASHES (A,W,D) overcome the KICK (S)
A slash do more damages than a kick, so since kicks cannot be blocked, slash your opponent while he is kicking will result that both will get some damages but in this case, since slashing, you will still be in advantage.
When you slash your opponent block you get stunned and cannot attack for 2 seconds. Be careful when you get stunned, and try take advantage of this situation every time that it your opponent hits your block.
As told at the beginning of this document, there is much more to say and explain about CSI. This was just an introduction, to let you make the first steps in this amazing combat system.
As you see is not complicated, but is very tactic and satisfying and very very fun. It requires time and training to get a good fighter, the system and its weapons are all very balanced, this makes of every fight a challenge and do not leave the result of the fight to the case or luck. The relations between attacks and counters, the possibility to defend, the stun situation, the stamina level, the balancing of the weapons, are just some of the aspects that bring in this combat system a rational and satisfying approach to the fight, and makes it so different from other combat systems where all resolves moving around pressing repetitively a button. CSI is fun, and its community is full of nice people who will be glad to fight with you, teach you much more than you have read in this document.
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